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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Making Money With Software Resell Rights 

There are many sites online that sell software resell rights and the private label rights of other digital products. However before you buy a product you need to think about the niche market that you intend to cater to. For instance if you want to sell the software for people interested in affiliate programs it would not make sense to buy a product that caters to the needs of doctors. Once you have determined the products that would prove to be interesting to your target audience you can than start rummaging the vast cyber space for good deals.
Now there are several benefits to selling programs with software resell rights but the two primary advantages are that you can make money without worrying about creating the product and you can keep 100% of the profits without paying any money towards royalty. However, it is important to ensure that you are buying the appropriate rights. It is easy to get confused between terms like private label resell rights and master resell rights. The implications of both these terms are different. With master resell rights you could offer your customers not only the software but also the right to sell it further. On the other hand with private label resell rights you will be able to modify the product and sell it as your own. So as you can see each option has its own advantages.
Choose the product wisely keeping all the aspects mentioned above in consideration. Once you have purchased the software resale rights to a couple programs you may also want to consider buying the rights to other digital products like e-books because selling them as a package will be a good marketing gimmick besides everybody likes free stuff.
After purchasing the products you can sell them through your own digital shop created on your website with the Paypal interface. One of the most popular software used to create digital stores is DigiVendor. It is astoundingly easy to use and lets you put the download or buy button on any page of your website. Another feature is the fact that it creates a link between your PayPal account and your digital store. So the moment the money reaches your account it triggers an automatic download.
However if you are not a particularly tech savvy person you may want to consider listing your programs with software resell rights on sites like Clickbank. Other options include sites like digitalpoint and webunload.
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Web Marketing Tools - Do Not Ignore Them
The number of Internet users is getting higher every day. We surf the world wide web to find information and to shop. Given the usage rate, many businesses have been created exclusively for the electronic market, or companies have transferred much of their activity online too. Marketers use the Internet to advertise products or services and to convince web surfers with their promotional message. And all the tasks that make online business activity possible are handled by means of web marketing tools.
Software programs simplify the marketer's job a lot: they save money, effort and time. Online advertising ceases to be stressful the moment you learn how to make use of some quality tools. There are several categories of web marketing tools. Here they are briefly described with the mention that you have to choose carefully the one that corresponds to your business needs.
Website analytics tools
Such web marketing tools help the marketer understand how well the business website performs. You will be able to spot the things that do not work as you'd expect, thus, having the chance to make a really quick and efficient fix. An example of a popular analytic tool is Omniture, one of the most complex web analytics programs invented so far.
Competitor analysis research tools
These group of website marketing tools functions as a detective kit, meaning that they help you take a peek into what your competition's doing. Find out about their backlinks and analyze them automatically, discover the search engine optimization strategies and even get statistical reports and comparisons between different competitors. It all depends on what type of software you choose to purchase here. Read some reviews to make up your mind on a particular tool.
Ranking reporting tools
Lots of web marketers want to get a clear picture of how their businesses are doing with search engines. Ranking reporting web marketing tools will help one stay informed and ready to act. Such software programs are designed for both large and small search engines alike.
The short group classification that we've provided above for the various web marketing tools is not by far complete. New software programs are designed every day; some can be downloaded for free, others require payment. The only truth here is that you cannot do without some basic web marketing tools, even if you don't choose the ultra sophisticated or ultra modern of all. Talk to a web master to get suggestions for the tools that would work best for you.
Want to learn free online web marketing tips? Patrick Sia will show you how to do it the easy way with his free report "Online Web Marketing Tips - From Basic to Advance Strategies" Get your free report now at

Friday, February 26, 2010

Learn Secrets of On and Offline Web Marketing

Internet advertising today is becoming increasing complex with each passing day. It seems that finding and implementing effective methods of both on and offline marketing are changing at an ever faster rate. This is creating information over-load that can lead to paralysis-by-over-analysis for the typical internet business owner.  Also it seems to be much more difficult to make a comfortable income these days, with the drastic changes to our economy these last few years. I'm sure the small business internet marketing community can attest to this.  What I would like to accomplish with this article is to give some solid marketing advice to internet business owners so they can move forward with their marketing strategies with confidence. At the same time I would like to introduce an easy way for each internet business to earn a sizeable income by showing others this easy-to-implement marketing system.  First off I would like to take a look at some of the most common internet marketing advertising methods and challenges associated with them:

1. Pay-Per-Click: Also known as ppc marketing. This is where the web marketing firm places ads on Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. and they pay a pre-determined amount for each visitor that clicks on their ad. This can be a good way to reach targeted prospects for your goods or service. It can also be very complex and frustrating as the search engines, especially Google, change their algorythyms quite frequently. For example, back in December 2009, Google banned over 100,000 advertisers from their network. Many of these were long-time web marketing businesses that have advertised for many years.
2. Social marketing, A.K.A. web 2.0 marketing: This is where you create accounts at places such as: Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Squidoo, Hubpages, etc. and create a profile of yourself and what it is that you do. The great thing about this type of marketing is that you're creating relationships with prospects. The difficult part is creating a profile that is optimized for the various sites. Not only that, but you are spending tremendous amounts of time trying to get a bunch of followers so you can eventually sell them something. Also it seems that once you develop followers it can be hard to keep them by attrition. I.E. fads come and go and right now it seems Twitter is the in fad, but how much longer will it last?
3. You can place ads on classified sites like Craigslist, Backpage, Kijiji, etc. The hard part is spending hours each day placing these ads. It seems as if everyone else on these sites are doing the exact same thing: trying to sell something and having no interest in buying anything from your internet business.
4. Offline Advertising: This is advertising in Newspapers, Magazines, Television, etc. These methods can be very effective for the small business internet marketing sector. Your ad can be displayed to thousands of readers in a short amount of time. The hard part is developing an ad that develops many prospects in a short amount of time as this type of advertising can be very expensive.  Now that we have discussed some common online internet marketing advertising methods, I would like to take a quick look at some little-used, yet extremely effective methods for Internet businesses:
1. Fax Broadcasting: Many don't know this, but you can send targeted fax broadcasts to those that are good prospects for your goods and services. This type of internet marketing advertising is extremely cost-effective and reaches your target market in a short amount of time.
2. Postcard mailing: With most all businesses advertising on the internet today, most have forgotten that direct mailing of postcards, when sent to a targeted list, can be the best way to connect with your target market in a low-cost way. Not only that, but your competition is low and prospects love having something in their hands.
3. Email Marketing: This was extremely popular a few years ago, but has lost it's marketing steam since the 2003 Can Spam act. However, if you were to get a list of people that have given their permission to receive email offers that are targeted to their individual interests, you will be AMAZED at their level of high response!
Wayne Hinrichs has been involved with internet marketing for over 5 years now. And during this time he has, like most internet marketers, experienced many growing pains. And during this time Wayne has spent well over a thousand hours studying the most cost effective and targeted ways to aquire profitable customers for his high-quality products.  To learn marketing secrets and strategies and discover a way to create a huge revenue stream, Go Here:

Internet Marketers Are Ahead in Their Field 
Australia is a country suffering geographic isolation and a low population when it comes to industry and manufacturing. Many companies have moved manufacturing off shore for these reasons. We are a small market which is a disadvantage being overcome by internet marketers. Australian internet marketers are innovative, using online tools, techniques for success whilst overcoming the geographic isolation and small market size by selling on the world wide web. The internet marketing field is rapidly expanding worldwide. It is much more than a bunch of people selling stuff online, it is an entire industry of home based business.
Online Business Ideas
Skilled office, reception, personal assistants and organisers no longer need a boss they are now being virtual assistants building. Moving from full time work to highly profitable home based businesses online no longer limited to their local area for work. With a significant number of small business still not online and big business slow to adopt effective online marketing strategies there are many opportunities for skilled internet marketers as consultants to business. With roles as diverse as pay-per-click, website development, website SEO, testing and analytics. Business consultants are offering business advice to improve their online business using effective online marketing techniques.
Internet Marketing Training
Training in effective online marketing strategies from successful internet marketers is opening up a world of home business ideas to willing students. Business is starting to send staff for training accepting there is a need to up skill rather than outsource for some of the online marketing that is key to their business.  With the knowledge that marketing online has brought to Australian home based business has undergone a revolution. Gone are the days of housewives doing ironing, sewing and cleaning - now they are running million dollar businesses from their lounge rooms.  Internet marketers are ahead in their field, adopting technology and innovating for success in their markets. Smart businesses are just starting to catch up, recognising the need for a fast web formula of proven online marketing techniques that anyone can make profits online offers internet marketing training advice and news including information on how to leverage internet marketing training to take advantage of home business ideas and entrepreneur opportunities online.

Harness the Power of Completion in Your Computer Home Business 

Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task." ~William James
We all have uncompleted tasks to deal with, mending that fence, fixing that door, writing that letter. These uncompleted tasks are just a part of our lives, but they tend to block our momentum and keep the past alive.
This can affect our business lives and prevent our internet marketing business opportunity from growing as fast as you would like it to.  You may have so many uncompleted things in your life that you may feel overwhelmed, just do it 'one bite at a time' and then move onto the next thing.  Here are some possible reasons for our procrastination:
o Lack of time: Sometimes this can be confused with lack of priority, we all have the same hours, minutes and seconds in a day, some people are better at using their time effectively; if it's important a true leader will find the time.
o Lack of priority: Try having a Daily Method of Operation (DMO) and prioritising your activities every day in order of importance, tasks that are left not done were obviously not that important so forget about them and move on. Some tasks are important like doing your taxes, prioritise your time and get them out of the way.
o Indecision about how to begin: If you're new to marketing on-line and your new computer home business hasn't got off the ground yet because you are feeling over whelmed by how much there is to do. Try talking & listening to your coach or mentor, this will help you focus your efforts and allow you to begin working again on your business.
Finally make a list of all those big and little tasks that need completing, schedule some time in your calendar to finish those tasks.  Add tasks to your 'master list' when you think of them and cross them out when you have completed them. Each time you complete an unfinished task, you'll feel freer and lighter and you'll be able to move on.  Sharon Shirley is an Internet Marketing success coach, empowering people to create a lifestyle they can truly enjoy!  Get immediate access to my profitable home business opportunity, I will take you inside my business and show you how you too can get the lifestyle you deserve

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Online Leads - 5 Hottest Trends in Internet Marketing Promotion 

Keeping abreast of the latest internet marketing promotion trends is quite a challenge these days. However, adopting these new marketing ideas early in their life cycle will give you a distinct competitive advantage, driving volumes of business opportunity seekers to your website.  5 Hottest Internet Marketing Promotion Trends to Boost Online Leads
1. Blogging
The leading internet marketing promotion strategy for attracting business opportunity seekers is without hesitation the use of a blog. Your prospects are kept informed of your thoughts and ideas regarding your business opportunity, related issues and products. One of the key reasons for promoting your business opportunity and products through a blog is that search engines rank blogs highly due to new content being updated regularly. Using specific, targeted keywords will help further in ranking your site higher in search engine results, exposing you more and increasing your opportunity for online leads.  When posting information on your blog, it's essential that you add information that is of value to a business opportunity seeker. Worthy content keeps your prospect's interest and entices them to make an enquiry. What's more, providing valuable information results in other bloggers linking their blog to yours. This is a significant traffic promotion technique as it directs other business opportunity seekers to your blog providing you with more exposure which in turn increases your probability for online leads. Customer loyalty together with trust will help build your relationship with potential business partners.
2. RSS Feeds
It's highly recommended that you include an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed in your blog. RSS feeds groups all the content together and serves it to the subscriber as a batch. A great benefit to including an RSS feed on your blog is that you increase the possibility of having your content included in the news media. A well-written blog with valuable content and resources exposes your integrity and credibility.
3. PHP Coding
This is an advanced technique, but is a fantastic way of adding zing to your website. A weakness of using an RSS feed is that search engine robots can't crawl them quick enough as they are dynamic pages. The PHP code enables you to overcome this by making your website pages look like HTML for example, which has huge Search Engine Optimization (SEO) benefits. Therefore it would be in your interests to become more familiar with PHP to improve your internet marketing promotion efforts.
4. Text Link Marketing
Another emerging internet marketing promotion trend is linking to other relevant sites. Again this gives you more exposure and possible online leads. You can buy links through auction sites, where you bid only on what you want, or through a broker, where you can buy and sell text links. As is the case with banners you can also look to exchange links with other relevant websites.
5. Social Bookmarking
This is a hot trend today and one you must definitely include in your internet marketing promotion plan. Having your website bookmarked will absolutely result in higher visits from business opportunity seekers. There are various software programs you can access which will allow you to bookmark your site with little effort. Basically, all you need is a "Bookmark this Page" link and visitors can easily bookmark your site. Putting the little effort required to include social bookmarking into your internet marketing promotion plans is worth the additional flow of online leads you will gain.  The Internet is a dynamic marketing environment. The better you are at implementing new internet marketing promotion ideas and tools - the more business opportunity seekers you will attract, the more online leads you will get and the more money you will earn. It's really that simple!  Act now and get ahead of your competition before it's too late. Learn the compelling techniques of how to drive targeted web traffic using the NEW Mega Targeted Traffic System, and grow your business exponentially.  Carla Baldock specializes in providing home business entrepreneurs with highly effective resources and strategies to develop their skills and succeed in generating consistent online leads.

Complete Geekdom Reigns in This Internet Marketing Niche

These dudes are geeked out totally and completely.... There is no coming back. They've od'ed on the acid that is vintage computing.  This is a great example of a very specific Niche Market. You would need to do some amount of involved keyword research before exploiting it. It would be very difficult for an IM'er, not interested in vintage computing to compete in this market. The sites ranking for the below keywords are mostly sites and blogs created and maintained by individuals with a passion for vintage computing, not just the hardware, but the concept. They take it seriously, and it's more than just a hobby to them.... They are indeed, purveyors of forgotten technologies antiquated by time and purpose. They find passion in vintage "laptops" weighing over 20 pounds.
Let's just say it's a very specific niche for the brave internet marketer to explore.
However, what makes it interesting for the IM'er is the data we can pull from Google on this niche:
buy vintage computer=1.3million broad/ 24,700 exact
order vintage computer online=4.8million broad/0 exact
vintage computer washington d.c.=258k broad/1 exact
buy antique computer=too narrow, antique desks populate this keyword, not antique pc's
buy antique pc=1.9million broad/1 exact
buy vintage mac=3.4million/3300 exact
Although most of the sites ranking on the top SERP's tend to be ones run by those very same geeks, what's interesting is that not many are using long tail keyword phrases in their SEO/SEM strategy. While it would be foolish to compete using broad match in this niche, there are some very attractive long tail's just waiting to be exploited.  Take the keyword "buy vintage mac". Enough people are searching this keyword for 3300 other competing pages to be present using that specific keyword phrase. Who would want to buy a vintage mac.... who would search for that term? Someone with money ready to buy one for whatever their reason may be, that's who. If you consider yourself an IM'er, then it should be no problem whatsoever ranking for this long tail keyword.  What could an IM'er do with this little bit of keyword research?
1) Use the specific keyword phrase "buy antique mac" on a blog devoted to, of course, "antique mac's". If it's a site you're hosting and not a free web 2.0 property, you can add in eBay Auctions to your Website with this little gem from it'll scour ebay for you and dish out relevant auctions on that very same keyword. Throw in some video of vintage mac tv commercials, if you can find them, to further entice prospective customers.... And a pair of eyes is just one click away from becoming a customer.
2) Research the keyword further and dig into sites with tips on how to buy vintage mac's, what to look out for when buying vintage mac's, vintage mac replacement parts, vintage mac accessories, maybe even vintage mac magazines. Hand over your research ideas to a ghostwriter and have a "How to Buy Vintage Mac's" ebook written. And sell it.
3) Build an email list of devoted "buy vintage mac" customers and send out a monthly newsletter full of quality content with value to them, then exploit the list occasionally by running lateral sales and services promotions.
4) Build as many Squidoo, wetpaint, weebly, zimbio, etc. properties as you can related to this topic and use them as feeder sites to your money page.
Will you get rich off this niche? Probably not. But you could exploit it to the extent that it generates an easy $50 - $200 in sales a month without really putting that much effort into it, allowing it to be yet another stream of revenue flowing to you.
Get your Macsploitation on!
Most Internet Marketers tend to fail because they can't maintain their focus or their momentum. While there are many reasons, it comes down to this: Their Inner Game wasn't lined up with their actions. Get your own Inner Game in order through Resonance Repatterning or knowledge

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Easy Money - Dead Right

Easy money, that's what I call it. I'm referring to the way I earn my living now. No more nine to five boring routine. No more rushing to work, getting stuck in endless traffic jams, avoiding the dreaded rush hour.
Now my routine involves strolling down about ten a.m., a leisurely breakfast while the PC is booting up, then starting to sort out my emails before checking my ClickBank and PayPal accounts to see how much I had made overnight. Sometimes I pinch myself just to make sure it is real. It is! But how did it happen? Let me enlighten you.  Two years ago I was in a job which, although I enjoyed doing, I knew I wanted to be my own boss, like thousands of other people. I hadn't even thought about websites and internet marketing, but I had been involved with eBay for some time. So I looked at the teaching products available on eBay and eventually came upon one which was to change my life.  The best way to learn anything is to watch somebody who has already succeeded actually go through the exact steps. This I did. It took me almost a year before I started to see any worthwhile results, but once started it is like being on a conveyor belt.  The process once learned can be repeated over and over again an unlimited number of times, and it really does work on autopilot. There is work to be done after checking my accounts but this is enjoyable work. When you see the money rolling in the procedure suddenly becomes less of a chore.  Now I want to help others. Let me show you it is possible to earn a living doing what you enjoy.   I do really want to help you achieve your dreams. Have a look at the following sites where you will see unbelievable offers. Don't ignore them.
Taking an interest in this site really could change your life.

The Number One Key - Time to Win in 2010

As we enter a new year and a new decade this is a great time to reflect on what has been great and not so great about the last ten years. When we take some time to reflect on the best of times and the worst of times it allows us to put things into perspective and determine what really worked and did not work. Understanding some fundamental truths about what works is the real key.  Everyone really wants the positive and not the negative results in their lives, so this is really a good place to start. Here is what you need to do. Take out two pieces of paper and write at the top of the first page the word Positive. Then write the word Negative at the top of page two. Do this with regard to any area of concern in your life, relationships, finances, health, education, business any area.

After you have completed your lists, simply throw away all the sheets marked number two. These are the Negative pages. I know it is human nature to try to fix that which did not work. Maybe this is out of sheer force of will or stubbornness. It is human nature to obsess on that which did not work. The key here is to stop doing it. Get rid of it. If it did not work why keep it? Strip away everything but that which worked and do more of it and do it better.  Now you can begin to focus on what was really positive. Find out what made you happy and what happened that really went well for you. Now you need to determine how to expand on this and make it better. When we do this it puts us into a completely different mindset and inspires us more.
Once this practice becomes a habit and everything is working well, then you can introduce new things. Keeping this philosophy and mindset strong will eliminate that which does not work almost immediately.
My Friends and I do this with each other on a daily basis, we are constantly asking each other if this thing we are doing really works. If it works we continue and expand on it and find ways to make it better.

For example, the lack of communication seems to be the number one issue in most situations for many people. Knowing that it is difficult at times to communicate about things, if we look at the positive and negative effects and throw away the negative. The positive list paints such a clear picture of the benefits and made it so ridiculously obvious how wonderful communication is. Now it has become something we look forward to doing and it really works. Once we started talking and communicating ideas we could then evaluate any topic of the conversation in the same manner. Listing the positives and negatives about the idea. We incorporated only the positive to every situation and found ways to expand this area. This was amazing because we no longer dissected each other, we just evaluated the Idea. Make it fun! Have a good time with it and everyone will win in 2010.

Our world is getting better and better everyday and in every way due to the Internet and Online Communication. Technology has lifted barriers and eliminated many obstacles. This incredible tool has revolutionized our ability to communicate with anyone around the world. The Internet is Global and is growing exponentially each and every minute of everyday. Whether you wish to share information with family, friends, groups, organizations or business we can now do it within seconds. This is very positive for our commerce and our nation because it increases our ability to share goods and services. Having the ability to be more productive with less expense and cost of goods has always proven to be the foundation for success. It is value. Our economy has failed in the past because people buy when they are getting a good value for their dollar. When we lower our cost of goods and can pass that on it gives great value to the consumer and spending will increase. When we really make a list of all the positive reasons for using the Internet it is obvious that this is a medium that is here to stay. Our economy will come around and if we stay focused on the positive we will win in 2010.

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Internet Marketing - How to Find the Cash to Survive the "Graduate Gap"

It's a sad fact that as unemployment rises owing to the "crunch", statistics show that one in four of the unemployed will be young people under the age of 25 years. This is particularly worrying for Graduates just about to leave University because the kind of jobs they are qualified for are getting more and more scarce and there are of course many Graduates from last year still unemployed. We have to face the very unpleasant fact that the Government's eye-watering level of borrowing will inevitably mean cuts in Public Expenditure which will, of course, exacerbate the problem.  But-there are a couple of pieces of good news: -  The first is that things WILL get better.  A concrete example is the fact that during the '80s there were 4 million unemployed at one point and one day I waved goodbye to my son and four of his friends, all recent Graduates, as they set-off in a beat-up old car for a holiday in Normandy.  Four of them had graduated with 2:1s in Law, Geography, Mathematics, and Languages, and the other had achieved a First in Physics-but none of them had managed to get a "proper" job.

Part-time and voluntary work just didn't pay the bills. Hence the term used in those days "the Graduate Gap".
So what's the good news? The good news is that things improved and they are all now very successful. The trick is not to panic and become too depressed if you find it hard to find good employment. The trick is to make enough money in the downturn until you can establish yourself in a well paid job where you can use the skills and knowledge you have worked hard to acquire to enable you to enjoy an interesting and fulfilling life.
The second piece of good news is: -  You can do this by setting-up your own Internet Marketing business. University Graduates and Students are very well placed to make a huge success in Internet Marketing. They already have the necessary intelligence, learning skills, research skills and computer know-how and many will have some Marketing knowledge from their studies in other subjects.  The thing they don't have is the money to fund the start-up costs of their own business. This is where Internet Marketing is ideal because the start-up costs are negligible. So, what can you do?  There are two possibilities: -

1. Suffer all the doom and gloom. Spend all your time worrying about the future and put away what little money you may have in a box under the bed...or
2. Get off your backside and do something about it!! I'm sorry to put that so bluntly but that's what you really need to do. Doing nothing is surely not an option  So, here's chance for you to learn how to do the same and what's more you can get all the information you need absolutely RISK FREE! Internet Marketing costs very little to set up and can give amazing results.  There are many Internet Marketers who have made millions in a very short time. -----Good luck to them.--They are obviously very clever and industrious people. I don't expect that---but it would be nice!! But why not aim a little lower though, say £500-£1000 per month, believe me that's more than possible, and work up from there?  You Don't Need  Premises- -you can do this without leaving the house.  Staff- -you can operate this as a one person business  Time- -you can work when you wish for just as long or as little as you wish  Stock- -you don't need to fill up your Garage with unsold items  Technical know how- -if you can send an e-mail then you can learn this  You don't ever have to meet or contact a customer and  You don't even need a product- - you can sell other people's products.
But--You do need  Attitude--an absolutely positive attitude where you constantly tell yourself-- I WILL succeed! Determination ---to blast your way through any difficulties no matter what.  An Action Plan----One that enables you to keep focused and to achieve your goals.  Internet Marketing is not a "get rich quick" business, but if you have the right attitude, a willingness to work hard (at least over the first months of the learning curve) and the determination to blast your way through any difficulties, virtually anyone can be successful. If you're a Graduate or a Student struggling to survive in the downturn, I suggest that you give this a try.

Many people, especially young people, have been enormously successful in Internet Marketing. You have absolutely nothing to lose and it is quite possible to build this into a business which will, in future years, give you the kind of lifestyle you wish to achieve.  If you really want to become an Internet Marketer then download your copy of this FREE e-book "How to create a Website by 3.45 this afternoon" right now at and have your FREE Website on the web in no time at all. There is also an opportunity to join a membership site recently voted No1 Internet Marketing Service on the net.
May I leave you with a thought,  When opportunity knocks ----open the door!  May I wish you success.
Peter Neves.  Peter Neves is a retired accountant now a successful Internet Marketer who spends his time enjoying his retirement and helping others to make enough money through Internet Marketing to live happily in these difficult times.

How to Find the Hottest Niches For Internet Marketing - 3 Tips For Beginners 
Some people come into the Internet marketing business with a clear plan as to what products or services they want to promote. However, others need to find a popular product that will bring good traffic and conversion. There are hundreds of hot niche markets available but finding them seems to be a mystery that not everyone can solve. Here are three tips for finding the right Internet marketing niche that will bring in the results you want.
Your Passions First
Start your search for a hot niche by brainstorming your own ideas and interests. Next, come up with a list of products and services related to topics that you are knowledgeable about. For example, hobbies, skills, and other interests you enjoy. Most importantly start to find the right marketing niche that you know well, as it will require less research when developing your websites and blogs.  Your blog writing, social networking connections, and advertising will reflect your life's passions. People can read between the lines and will gravitate to you when you love your topic.
Once you have several ideas for niches that you would enjoy promoting, begin doing research. When you research your interests, you will happily do the work.  Find out the subjects potential for profitability. Make lists of keywords and check their frequency of use against the number of search results for the keyword or phrase. If you can find a solid set of keywords that have a high number of searches but a low number of search results, you have landed a good possibility for a hot niche.
Affiliate or Product Production?
Finally, you need to investigate the affiliate programs available for the niches you are considering. Look for products with a high conversion rate and good commission percentage. This will allow you to make the maximum money with each referral that you generate through your marketing efforts.  Your passion driven research may also open the door to a bright idea of what's missing. When you know you have the answers, you know where to begin making your own products to market.  Get "FREE "8 Easy Step-by-Step Solutions to Make Money Online" at Reduce your learning curve for free and make money faster.   FUNDING: If you need funding and help making products, go to  for help making your dreams reality.

Internet Marketing Dos and Dont's
When first starting out as an Internet marketer, advice will come flying at you from all angles. Sorting through everything to figure out just how to do Internet marketing can be challenging, but here are a few simple dos and don'ts that will help you when you are learning the ropes.
• Do use social media wisely - Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook can be wonderful tools that can help you to grow your business, however they can also become a serious waste of time if used improperly.
• Do keep things simple - Long, overdone website addresses and overly complex websites will usually get you no where. Composing an easily remembered attractive website while simple design will be the best way to bring people in and keep them on your site.
• Do use quality content - Content will always be king on the Internet. Well-written informative articles and pages are the best way to establish your credibility with those that land on your site.
• Do promote wherever possible - Use the signature line on your email messages, forum posts and website profiles to promote your websites. This kind of passive advertising is a great way to introduce your service to connections that may not have even been searching for you.
• Don't jump the gun - When starting up, you might be anxious to get your site in front of people and start making money resist the temptation. Make sure your site is complete before launching it to the world.
• Don't spam anyone - You don't like finding spam in your in box and neither do your potential customers. It is probably easier to make money on the Internet without spamming people than by using spam tactics.
• Don't forget about the customer - Know your products and be sure that they offer value and function to your customers. Make sure any programs you work with have reputations for good customer service before promoting their products.
• Don't bite off more than you can chew - Start small until you get your feet wet in the Internet marketing world. Taking on saturated markets or too many products at once is a recipe for disaster.  There is a lot to learn in the world of Internet marketing, but by following sound advice, anyone can make a career in the business. It just takes a little time, hard work, and dedication.  Get "FREE SEO tips and "Internet Marketing Do's & Don'ts" at Reduce your learning curve for free and make money faster.